WWYW is a Indigenous, youth led NFP organisation fighting to end sexual violence

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do our funds go?

Our services run off of the generous contributions from the public. These funds go towards our services: Survivor Healing Groups, Festival/Venue Safe Spaces, Survivor Packs, and Advocacy Services. Refer to the Support Services Tab for more information!

Do you engage with mental health professionals with your services?
Yes! Our survivor healing groups are led by mental health professionals, to ensure the safety of victim-survivors If the professional is sick, or unavailable the group cannot go ahead. Our Festival/Venue Safe Spaces, when possible, have mental health professionals. Our future goal is to have funding to have an onsite counselor present! Please refer to our Services tab for more detailed information.

Where can people send feedback?
Please email feedbackwwyw@gmail.com and we can direct you to our feedback form!

We have teams in NSW, ACT, VIC & TAS!

Current Governance Structure
- WWYW is a Incorporated Association in NSW & ACT!

ACT: Association Number: A06453
NSW: INC2300072