Survivor Story #6: Another Bad Security Story

Anonymous | 19 July 2023 | WWYW Survivor Stories

How did my night go from filming a news story on safer night life to ending with an unconscious woman in my arms?

A night full of partying that was specifically for students. Students back from a 2 week break, an O week party. Out of all the issues that could have occurred I would never have imagined it would have been caused by campus security.

Campus security was called for a patron who was pretty much passed out. She was outside the venue, not speaking properly and not being able to control her body. Campus security were called. “From 6.30pm up until 1.00am you can call the security shuttle to arrange a pick up”. So why at 10pm did campus security deny a girl from getting to her college campus accomodation safely?

After arguing with him he called his boss and they decided to take her. I decided to go with her and her friends because they were new to the area. The reason he didn’t want to take her was because he didn’t want her to vomit in his van. We pleaded that she wasn’t okay and needed to be taken back safely but he said he didn’t care and was very aggressive. Where was his duty of care? His job is to pick students up and safely take them to their accommodation.

He insisted it was a rule that they don’t have to take people if they don’t want to or if they determined they will vomit. He said he would only take her if she cleaned any vomit. She was unable to stand and was in out of consciousness. How could she have ever done that?

Yet again, why was the safety of someone not the first priority? And especially at a university campus. We know the statistics of rape on campus.

So why is that not on the forefront of our service providers minds? Or at least patron safety? Wouldn’t they have preferred she got home safely then got taken away and potentially harmed? Not only this, but why were 4 other security in agreement that he shouldn’t have had to take her? Clearly it wasn’t just a one bad security guard. Instead, it’s the mindset of the majority of them.

I’m honestly disgusted in what I witnessed but I’m not surprised.


Survivor Story #7: The Fire


Survivor Story #5: Longing for Justice