Survivor Story #2: The Survivor

Anonymous | 18 May 2023 | WWYW Survivor Stories

I always thought rape was something that was violent and happened in dark alleyways.
I didn’t think it would be someone who I knew. Who I had known since I was 6 years old.
To be honest, there isn’t much I recall about that night. I don’t remember saying yes, but, I
don’t remember saying no either.

I remember I was a teenager, who had had too much to drink.
I remember I was at a friend’s house, for a party.
I remember talking to him, the boy I’d known since kindergarten…
And then; I remember waking up outside in the early hours of the morning. Ground soaked
with dew, vomit in my hair and my lower half completely naked.

I walked inside and showered.
I scrubbed my skin until it was red, and raw.
It would be almost ten years before I told anyone what happened that night, but now I share
my story, to let others know:
You are not alone and I believe you


Survivor Story #3: That Look


Survivor Story #1: Finding the Sun in the Clouds